Wednesday 20 July 2011

Assignment 1 E wallpaper MMU Open Day

To create this wallpaper firstly i search related pictures to put in the wallpaper.
MMU Mascot

Then, i choosed the below picture as background. This is because it is an open day so symbolicly i choosed the open door picture as background

First Step: 
  • Scale the background picture that i choosed to A4 size.

Second Step: 
  • Before i put the pictures that i selected, i done cropping work. I selected the image that i wanted and delete the background from the picture. To do that i used QUICK SELECTION and MAGIC WAND TOOLS to select the wanted image and deleted the unwanted backgrounds from the picture using BACKGROUND and MAGIC ERASER TOOL

  • The below picture cropped using MAGIC ERASER. I deleted the background.

  • The MMU Mascot picture below i cropped by using MAGIC WAND and also BACKGROUND ERASER TOOL

STEP 3: 

  • I insert the graduation image that i had cropped out. To put the image in a correct position, i used the FLIP HORINZONTAL tool under the TRANSFORM tool to flip the image and i put the image at right top bottom.

  • To blend the image with background, BLENDING TOOL. I selected OUTER GLOW and under BLEND MODE i set LUMINOSITY.

Step 4:

  • I used the TEXT TOOL to type the letters and used BLENDING OPTION to give some effects to the letters.

Step 5:
  • I inserted MMU MASCOT image in the wall paper

  •  I flip the image horizontally using TRANSFORM TOOL 

Step 6:
  • Using the GLOWING BRUSH tool which i downloaded from internet, i add some brust effect in the right side of the wallpaper. I choosed red colour.

Step 7:
  • Finally i put the MMU logo in the wallpaper. As u can see, previously i put removed background of MMU logo inside the picture but i realised its not clear. So i changed the logo with white colour background. SO MY FINAL OUTCOME IS AS BELOW: